Magnesium Deficiency and Its Health Benefits For Your Body

Magnesium Deficiency and Its Health Benefits For Your Body


Magnesium is one of the important minerals needed for the healthy human body. It carries out many functions, including regulating nerve and muscle function, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, bone health, and DNA. If the magnesium intake is low for a long period of time, it can lead to magnesium deficiency. It can lead to negative health outcomes, including depression, weakness, high blood pressure, and heart problems. In this article, you can find some information about magnesium deficiency and some of its health benefits in the body.

What is Magnesium Deficiency?

Many people do not meet the recommended intake of magnesium. It results in a condition called hypomagnesemia (magnesium deficiency). A side effect of certain medications like from Nicotinamide Riboside Chloride Manufacturer supplier factory, excessive consumption of alcohol, some health conditions, including diabetes and gastrointestinal disorder can result in magnesium deficiency in the body. Some of the symptoms of normal magnesium deficiency are:

  • Vomiting or Nausea
  • Weakness in the body
  • Loss of Appetite

If the deficiency is advanced, the symptoms include:

  • Seizures
  • Tingling
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Numbness
  • Changes in Personality
  • Heart Rhythm Changes

Healthy Benefits Of Magnesium In The Body

Magnesium is one of the much-needed mineral responsible for performing some important metabolic functions in the body. It is significant that you have enough magnesium in your body. You can find some important functions of it below:

Healthy Heartbeat

A regular heartbeat will keep the body healthy. Calcium is the mineral that is essential for heart contractions. It stimulates the muscle fibers in the heart muscle cells to contract. But, magnesium helps those cells to relax. This movement of both minerals across the heart cells helps to maintain a healthy heartbeat.

Healthy Brain Function

For relaying signals between the brain and the body, magnesium is necessary. It aids brain development, memory, and learning by acting as the gatekeeper for the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Magnesium prevents NMDA receptors from being triggered by weak signals. Fewer NMDA receptors will be blocked because of low magnesium levels.

Regulate Muscle Contractions

Magnesium helps the muscle to relax. This is because the muscles will contract when calcium binds to proteins such as troponin C and myosin. If the body does not have enough magnesium to compete with calcium, your muscles may contract too much, causing cramps and spasms. Muscle cramps can be treated with the help of magnesium.

Magnesium L-Threonate

When Vitamin C breaks down, a water-soluble compound called threonic acid is produced. It is combined with magnesium and as a result, Magnesium L-Threonate saltis formed. The magnesium present in this salt performs many biological functions, including insulin secretion, ATP formation, protein, and fatty acid formation, and activation of Vitamin B. Magnesium L-Threonate Supplements can enhances the bioavailability of magnesium to the body. It supports memory function and enhance overall cognitive function in the body. Consider the advice from your doctor before taking the supplements.

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