3 Key Factors Men Need to Keep in Mind When Opting for Gynecomastia Surgery

3 Key Factors Men Need to Keep in Mind When Opting for Gynecomastia Surgery


Many men start to accumulate extra tissues in their chest from the onset of puberty. Prominent experts specializing in cosmetic surgery say this state arises from a variety of reasons. The most common cause is abnormally high quantities of estrogen in their genes. However, it can also result from certain adverse lifestyle habits. These include drinking excessive alcohol, smoking, obesity and consuming steroids.  Most doctors commonly refer to this condition as “breast hypertrophy.”  However, most people know it man boobs. It is generally very embarrassing for these individuals. They normally become a subject of ridicule among their male peers. This is can adversely affect their self-esteem over time.

Why do men undergo gynecomastia surgery?

These professionals admit this condition deprives these individuals of their natural masculine appearance. This adversely affects their lifestyle over time. Many of them avoid participating in certain physical activities. Many of them even keep their distance when interacting with women. The experts further point out there is another risk which these individuals can’t afford to ignore. There is always a possibility their breast hypertrophy can aggravate a prior liver disease or tumor. This reason why most of them agree to undergo a gynecomastia treatment. Almost all of them believe it is in their best interests to take this decision.

What do these men need to consider?

The specialists clarify these individuals need to consider the following 2 important factors before taking gynecomastia surgery:

  1. Choosing the right cosmetic surgeon 

This is one important aspect which these individuals can afford to overlook. The surgeon they choose should have the necessary skills, experience, and knowledge to conduct this procedure. This expert should possess a certificate from the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. These men should insist on seeing this document personally. This can assure them that they are in safe hands throughout the operation. They need to remember an important fact. There been rapid technological advances in this field in the last few decades. However, gynecomastia still remains a complex surgery.

2.Precautions before the operations 

The surgeon conducting the procedure generally evaluates their current condition. This is to determine whether they are suffering any other ailment. In some cases, the expert may have to diagnose and cure this illness first. Only then can he/she proceed with the surgery. Before the operation, the doctor any request them to shave their chests. They should refrain from eating or drinking anything for at least 6 hours. Moreover, they should have someone to accompany them to the medical center on the day of the procedure.


Even after a successful operation, these men may notice certain peculiar side-effects. These can be in the form of swelling and numbness on certain regions of their chest. Most of all, they may experience some discomfort because of such manifestations. The features generally go away within 14 days. However, if this is not the case, they should inform their doctors. These experts then can examine to ensure it is nothing serious.

Undergoing a gynecomastia surgery can work wonders for men with breast hypertrophy. This procedure can act as a catalyst in restoring their self-confidence over time. However, they should consider the above 3 important factors opting for this procedure. Only then can these individuals get the kind of results they are looking for.

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